ProSharp Skate Profiling

With Swedish premium quality and cutting-edge technology, together with a genuine passion for research and development, Prosharp has delivered premium quality and helped skaters achieve excellent performance since 1984. It's unique profiling follows you through every stage of your skating career, optimizing your skating in anyway you need to achieve your own excellency.
We offer the full line-up of the ProSharp performance profiles
Quad Series- Feel more centrally balanced, powerful skating strides
Quad XXXS, XS, Quad Zero, Quad I, & Quad II
Zuperior Series- Feel more on your toes, quicker agility & acceleration
XXXS, XXS, XS, Small, Medium, Large
Ellipse Series- Smooth transition between zones, seamless feel on ice
XXXS, XXS, XS, Ellipse Zero, Ellipse I, & Ellipse II
Basic Profiles- 9/10ft. Combo, & 11ft. Radius
Goal Profiles- Goalie Sam, Goalie Win